Remote Learning

Remote  Learning is very complicated  for me. it is embarrassing too ask a teacher a question during here meeting. I

still dont understand it even when she trys too help me. i cant focus  at house like i do at school .


sometimes i feel like she wont answer a my questions. sometimes i dont wanna interrupt here while she is talking . i feel like a student might say somthing. i dont know how too get my teachers attention.


i couldt figure out a problem. during her meetings she goes too fast and sometimes the  internet might not be fast while she is talking. she cant really help me during her meeting cause she not with me its not the same

they wont be quiet. my sister talks a lot while i try too do work. my mom might be talking or cooking and that makes a lot of noise. people text me and i get detracted fast

Its hard for me too fouce  while im at home. Its hard too get my teachers attention while she is working with another student. I get destracted fast meaning if someone texts me i will see who it is.


That’s why online school is very complicated . It hard too focus, it’s tembarassing o ask questions, and I don’t understand.  I hope they take off remote leanring.